Bugeater Foods All Things Bugs

Podcast: #10 “Bugeaters & Powder Makers”

On this edition of the Ento Nation podcast, we talk with Julianne Kopf, COO and co-Founder of Bugeater Foods.  We also have a chat with Dr. Aaron T. Dossey, Founder of All Things Bugs.

Podcast: #9 “Christmas Special: Bugs Save Kids”

Our Christmas Special focuses on two organizations that are actually doing good in the world, literally saving lives and improving communities by teaching them how to farm certain insects: Farms for Orphans run by Dr. Amy Franklin in Africa, and MealFlour run by Elizabeth Frank and Gabby Wimer in Central America.

Podcast: “Cricketlicious Cafe Special #1”

For your Ento dining pleasure, we present three of our Cricketlicious Cafe segments featuring bug-based recipes you can make at home while following along with our resident Ento Chef ChefPV or one of our Special Guest Chefs.

Podcast: #8 “The Battle of Evermore” RNA

the Cricket Man has a thought-provoking and enlightening conversation with Robert Nathan Allen aka RNA. RNA is the founder of Little Herds, a non-profit organization that educates and empowers communities, both locally and globally, to support and promote the use of insects for food and feed as an environmentally sound and economically viable source of nutrition.

Podcast: “As the Crickets Chirp” Season 1 / 6 Episodes

Part of the Ento Nation podcast is a little web drama series called “As the Crickets Chirp”. On the surface it’s just a simple fun parody of the old radio dramas. But in reality, it is a semi-autobiographical, multi-layered, metaphorical, allegorical, parody, plus heavy social commentary with hidden messages that the casual listener might miss.

Podcast: #7 “The Flying Cadesky Brothers”

We have an insightful and lively discussion with Eli Cadesky, co-founder with his brother Lee of C-fu FOODS and One Hop Kitchen. These guys operate on the cutting edge of insect protein technology, pushing the envelope in finding new ways to turn insects like crickets and mealworms into a delicious and nutritious dining experience. Brother Lee is the guest chef in the Cricketlicious Cafe.

Podcast: #6 “Hawaiian Homecoming”

We sit down on the beautiful beach at Hanalei Bay, sort of, and have a chat with Emilio Romero and Lourdes Zietz of Sustainable Boost. Sustainable Boost creates wonderful food products made from crickets and other nutritious goodies like the native Taro plant, which is actually a superfood. The Cricket Man grew up on Kauai, and when he realized that there was a cricket farm there, he had to check it out.

Podcast: #5 “Farm 2 Table Women of the Ento Nation”

We visit with two power women of the Ento Industry. We chat with Wendy Lu McGill, CEO & Founder of Rocky Mountain Micro Ranch, We also have a very interesting conversation with Aly Moore, who is the driving force behind Bugible.

Podcast: #4 “Thanksgiving with The Bug Chef, David George Gordon”

The Cricket Man sits down with the award winning author of The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, The Bug Chef himself, David George Gordon. Oh, what a time we had! Such a great time, in fact, that he is our guest for the whole show!