New Zealand

New Zealand Bursting with Bug-Based Cuisine

New Zealanders are waking up to the benefits of eating bugs.
RNA of Little Herds

Eating Bugs with Little Herds

Little Herds is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to educating communities on the benefits of eating bugs.
Bug Burgers

Poll Suggests Millenials Ready for Insect Protein

Young adults are so concerned about the effects of meat protein production in the environment, that they have cut out or are willing to cut out eating meat altogether, a poll shows.
Ladies Night

What We Call It Can Help Overcome the “Ick Factor”

New research shows that people are more willing to eat foods that they find disgusting if those foods are presented in a foreign language.
Smiley Girl Eating Bugs

Smiley Bug Muncher Spreading More Joy

Smiley Chinese girl chows down on some bug-based cuisine...again.
Aly Lovebug promo

Eat Bugs Event: Opening Minds and Mouths with Bugs!

Mastering the culinary art of turning curiosity to delight, Aly Moore loves introducing people to the joy of entomophagy! And don't miss her Lovebug Dinner event in Santa Monica this week!