Recipe: Chapulines Spoon Bread con Spiced Cricket Ice Cream

From our Thanksgiving Special episode with The Bug Chef, David George Gordon. ChefPV creates the tastiest holiday Ento dessert dish you’ll serve this year.

Recipe: Chirpin’ Tostadas

From our premiere episode, ChefPV’s first Cricketlicious Café segment.

How and Why to Eat Bugs for Breakfast

The folks at Extra Crispy have a chat with several Ento Industry movers and shakers like Jarrod Goldin, Robyn Shapiro, and Aly Moore on overcoming the challenges of incorporating insects in the Western diet.

Recipe: Pineapple Crick Sticks

This recipe of ChefPV is perfect for parties, BBQs, anytime, really. Pineapple Crick Sticks appeared in podcast #6 "Hawaiian Homecoming".