
Very interesting article, I’ll just let you go read it…

Only 14% of Brits would consider eating insects as a snack, found a poll of 2,036 consumers conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of The Grocer. Even if the critters were made more palatable by being ground up into food – for example, used as flour in bread – only a fifth of us would be on board.

Do you notice how she says that even though only 14% of people were willing to try insect as snacks (UK), and 20% of people said they would if the bug was ground up and they couldn’t see it? That’s a solid base to build from.

Majno points out it always takes time for a new food concept to work its way into the mainstream. Take sushi, for example. “Twenty years ago, the thought of eating raw fish was inconceivable,” he says. Now sushi bars are so mainstream that they have become a fixture at Sainsbury’s and Waitrose. “Perceptions of food are always changing.”

Click here to read the full article “Insects: the new hipster protein?” by Emma Weinbren for The Grocer.

Background photo by Joseph Yoon.