Climate Conscious Diners Swap Beef for Bugs

The edible bug business is booming, with a global market of $33-million in 2015, according to the research firm Global Market Insights, which expects it to grow 40 percent by 2023.

Bugs or Bacon?

Like most people who studied entomology in college, I ate insects as part of a rite of passage. It wasn't some hellish hazing to get into an agricultural fraternity, it was dinner and it was delicious.

“On Eating Insects” Thought-Provoking Food Book

One person’s comfort is another’s discomfort. There has been much debate recently about eating insects, which offer a sustainable form of protein if we could get over the disgust factor.
Ick Factor picture David George Gordon

How Do We Get Past the “Ick Factor”?

Some insects are tasty, some aren’t. No doubt if you think something’s gross, it’s hard to enjoy.

Insect-Based Protein Powder Trending in 2018

While this year we turned to the healing properties of tumeric, macadamia nuts, and maca powder, next year insect protein powder, edible clays and hemp products are set to be huge, according to experts.

Buggin’ Out with ChefPV (All 8 Episodes)

Before he was our resident chef in the Criciketlicious Cafe, ChefPV did a web series called “Buggin’ Out”. We present the whole series here for your binge-watching pleasure. Enjoy!

Cisco CEO John Chambers Believes Insects are the Future of Food

Former long-time CEO of Cisco John Chambers is an Industry mover and shaker. Movers and shakers of Industry know how to spot other industries that are moving and shaking…

Cricket Powder Meatball Pops in a Box

At the Anuga Food Fair 17 in Cologne recently, Swiss-based Micarna was honored for their innovative “Pop Bugs” in a box. Pretty nifty…
Tomato Hopper Poppers

Recipe: Tomato Hopper Poppers

Part of the family here at Ento Nation, Aly Moore of Bugible, shows us how to make some really tasty and easy to prepare holiday hors d'oeuvres she calls Tomato Hopper Poppers.