Great read by Aly Moore of Bugible at EatBugsEvents

We are “experiencing a fundamental paradigm shift in our relationship to knowledge. From the ‘information age,’ we are moving towards the ‘reputation age’, in which information will have value only if it is already filtered, evaluated and commented upon by others.”

The foodie audiences are one of the most highly engaged online – full of people dedicated to all things delicious. These are the folks that are more than happy to devote portions of their paychecks towards food – a passion that translates to huge opportunities for brands. According to a study, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from others, even individuals they don’t know, over heavily branded content.

Content creators are changing the food industry, and one needs to look out for creators with integrity. Increasingly, food influencers play a key role in the widespread awareness of culinary trends. We share a deep, personal relationship with food. In the age of social media, it’s not just what we eat that is impacted by our peers, but also when, where, how, and why. Yes, this presents huge opportunities for businesses to impact food-purchasing decisions. More important, perhaps, is the opportunity to impact the dialogue that occurs around how what we eat impacts our bodies and the environment.

Click here to read the full article “How to Promote Food Brands With Influencers” by Aly Moore at Bugible.

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