Our friend Aly Moore of Bugible has a new blog post up…

Do bugs even have a season? When is the best time to grow or purchase crickets? Grasshoppers? Scorpions? And in our hypothetical bug grocery store, how should I choose the most “ripe” sago grub? What would be the metaphorical equivalent to testing an avocado’s firmness? I turned to the experts for some answers. To the question of seasonality, the consensus seemed to be: yes and no…

“If you’re farming insects in a climate controlled building, no. There may be season fluctuations in energy costs and usage to maintain the climate, but the insects should be able to reproduce and grow efficiently while independent from the outside world’s seasons.” Keep in mind that certain insects do take longer than others to mature, but there’s not necessarily a seasonality to them, per-se.

My favorite answer to the grocery store question came from Pat Crowley (Chapul)—”To find the most ripe insects at your grocery store: Just try them all. You need to develop your own preference. The perfect silkworm is just as subjective as the perfect papaya.”

Click here to read the full article “Fruits and Veggies Have Seasons, Do Bugs?” by Aly Moore at Bugible.