Just saw this in a Tweet from Julie Lesnik who will be on the podcast next week and had some thoughts.

I’ve talked about the inherent bug based bias that exists in our culture, especially in Hollywood and Madison Avenue.

There are those edible insect advocates who get a little miffed when they see and hear things like this.

But we have to understand that the bug based bias currently clogging up Jimmy’s spirit is not Jimmy’s fault.

A wise friend once pointed out to me, when it came to times like this (ie. Mainstream Celebrities and Edible Insects on TV), that despite the obvious bug based bias inside of people like Jimmy, and the sort-of negative slant on the whole thing (although good natured), the fact is that Millions of people watched this.

Millions of seeds regarding edible insects were planted. These seeds need to be watered, nurtured, cared for, and gently trimmed and pruned occasionally to produce healthy growth.

In the late 60’s and early 70’s we lived in Marin County, California in a small town called Fairfax (pre-Hawaii). My parents had tuned in, turned on, and dropped out of the Ward and June Cleaver mold and became hippies. More about that another time. But back then, litter was commonplace. All over the highways and roadways.

Then came that commercial portraying the Native American crying as trash is thrown at his feet by a passing motorist (Motorist, what a word, we are all sometimes “Motorists”). I remember one day, my Dad saw some guy toss a bag of litter out of his parked car and my hippie Dad (you have to remember, it was NOT cool to be a hippie in those days) went over to the guy and told him to throw his trash into the garbage can, man was I nervous. He told the guy to pick it up. The guy picked it up and left.

Fast forward to today, and the entire public mindset is practically based around sustainability, and preserving the environment due to our misuse of the resources.

That was all done via a continuous public awareness campaign centered around a good idea.

Are you ready to become Sam I Am? I saw a talk Julie Lesnik gave on YT and in one part she brought up Dr. Suess’ Green Eggs & Ham. Light bulbs went off in my head (like around 700 or so).

In this side project that I am working on right now, one aspect involves coming up with kind retorts to the inevitable “Eww, bugs, disgusting! No Way!” Thank you, Julie, for reminding us of Sam I Am. That’s all I have to say about that for now…