Ireland from space.

The Irish have recently been criticized for their beef and dairy farmers’ inability to reduce methane and greenhouse emissions and all of that sort of stuff lately, and as a result, many are waking up to the idea of insects as a sustainable protein source.

Aye. 🙂

As a protein source, insects are far more sustainable than our traditional meat products; their lifespan is short, they live off waste and don’t require strict environmental regulation. So far insect products have been slow to take off in Europe due to the European Food Safety Authority’s (ESFA) rigorous rules around food production, but Dr Barry-Ryan expects that they could be on our shelves more widely in the next 5-10 years.

Click here to read the full article “A nice insect casserole with 3D-printed dessert: The future of your weeknight dinner” by Grainne Loughran for The Journal.