Pat Crowley, founder and CEO of Chapul.

Shout out to my buddy Pat Crowley and our friends at Chapul! Pat and his company Chapul have a special place in our hearts here at Ento Nation…he was our very first guest on the podcast.

In this article, Pat explains the changes in the names and packaging of their cricket protein bars, placing the focus on the nutritional, rather than environmental benefits because nutritional factors are higher up on the list than environmental ones when it comes to most consumers. They switched from names like “Thai Bar” and “Aztec Bar” to “Peanut Butter & Chocolate” or “Matcha Tea & Banana”.

Makes sense to me. As a consumer I now know what kind of taste to expect…I’m goin’ for the Peanut Butter & Chocolate, baby!

Cricket-protein bar maker Chapul recently overhauled its packaging to create a “much better hierarchy of messaging,” including clarifying flavors, elevating the value proposition of its ingredients and opting for imagery that encourages consumers to overcome their fear of the unknown, according to the company’s founder Pat Crowley.

Click here to read the full article “Chapul rebrands cricket-based goods to highlight nutrition & empower shoppers to try something new” by Elizabeth Crawford for Food Navigator.