
By the year 2050 the population of Planet Earth will approach 10 Billion. The problem we are facing is feeding all of these people, especially in developing countries. Bugs are one solution.

From the article “Can Planet Earth Feed 10 Billion People?” by Charles C. Mann for The Artlantic, click here to read the full article:

Even though the global population in 2050 will be just 25 percent higher than it is now, typical projections claim that farmers will have to boost food output by 50 to 100 percent. The main reason is that increased affluence has always multiplied the demand for animal products such as cheese, dairy, fish, and especially meat—and growing feed for animals requires much more land, water, and energy than producing food simply by growing and eating plants. Exactly how much more meat tomorrow’s billions will want to consume is unpredictable, but if they are anywhere near as carnivorous as today’s Westerners, the task will be huge. And, Prophets warn, so will the planetary disasters that will come of trying to satisfy the world’s desire for burgers and bacon…

Photo by The Independent.