Ento News

#72 GAIA Girls!

Our guests today are Claudia & Lindsay, co-founders of Gaia protein, providing delicious and nutritious products made from crickets farmed up in Canada. Our Bug Wagon crowdfunder continues. Over in the Bugible Kitchen Aly Moore brings us a wonderful new dish “Spicy...

Cricket Farming 101: Humidity

Humidity. Special “Cricket Farming 101” sponsor: Yes Crickets

#73 “Insects Did It First” co-Author Dr. Gregory Paulson

Our guest this week is Dr. Gregory Paulson co-author of the book Insects Did It First (co-authored by entomologist Eric Eaton), Dr. Paulson Shares with us all kinds of mind blowing insects did it first facts. Dr. Paulson tells us stories of...


Video: Dragonfly Nymph’s Mouth is Stuff of Nightmares

Dragonfly nymphs are lightning fast predators.

Keeping Crickets for Luck, Song, & Bloodsport

Crickets hold a special place in some Asian cultures.

Impressive Cockroaches Get No Respect

Rodney Dangerfield got more respect than the cockroach.


Pic of the Day