Black Soldier Fly inset photos by KARMAN and Javier Torrent.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) has a very bright future in the insects as feed industry.

A very bright future, indeed.

Meanwhile, as proof, we go across the pond, to Europe…France, to be specific…

InnovaFeed, an Evry, France-based biotech company producing insect-based protein for the feed industry, has raised €15m in funding.

That’s all they’ll let me quote from the article so you’ll have to go read it. But basically, there is great interest in commercial insect farming in France. And in a whole lot of other places, too.

Click here to read the full article “Regional and private funds invest €15m in French insect protein firm” by Jane Byrne for Feed Navigator.

Click here to see a BSF Farming instructional YouTube series on raising Black Soldier Flies.


You can hear our interview with Dr. Jeffery Tomberlin, BSF guru, on this week’s upcoming Ento Nation podcast. We’ll talk all things Black Soldier Flies.