Our friend Aly Moore of Bugible recently reviewed Grilo Cricket Energy Bars

All natural, organic, dairy free and complete protein products made with cricket powder. This is the promise made by Byron Bay (Austrailia) based company Grilo. Grilo means “cricket” in Portuguese. On their site, they write, “According to the dictionary, a cricket is a brown or black insect that makes short, loud noises by rubbing its wings together. For us it means much more than that.” I love it.

Grilo bars look and feel just how I expect a protein bar to. They are dark and textured. I prefer the grainy look of their bars to something that feels more manufactured (like a Laffy-taffy texture) for cricket products because it gives customers a familiar trail-mix vibe. The texture is pleasant. All in all, the bars fall right in line with my expectations. The same can be said of the taste. The Raw Cacao Fudge is flavorful but not too sweet. All in all, the taste is great.

Read the entire review “Exploring Grilo Cricket Energy Bars” by Aly Moore at Bugible.