Entomo Farms

Glimpse Inside the Largest Human Grade Cricket Farm in the World

Take a look inside Entomo Farms massive operation to produce crickets for human consumption.
Craft Crickets

Craft Crickets “How-to” on Cricket Farming

Craft Crickets wanted to teach you how to farm crickets, and we've got the videos to prove it...
Black Soldier Fly

Black Soldier Fly Production Series

Karl Warkomski of Living Web Farms has a detailed series on raising Black Soldier Flies. He wanted to show you how they do it, and we've got the videos to prove it...

Top Hat Cricket Farm in Michigan

Our friend Bob Eldred runs Top Hat Cricket Farm, one of those who was wiped out in the "Cricketpocalypse" but since, has come back stronger than ever.

Locust Breeding Set-Up

Someone wanted to show you their set-up for breeding locusts...

Otago Locusts New Zealand Locust Farm

Our friend Malcolm Diack of Otago Locusts gives a peek at his locust farm in New Zealand.
Cowboy Cricket Farms Logo

Cowboy Cricket Farms: “How to Farm Crickets”

Someone wanted to teach you how to farm crickets, and we have the video to prove it...

How to Breed Mealworms

One YouTube users method...

The Butterfly Whisperer

Cute little Rebecca with her butterfly farm has captured our hearts.