So my cricket micro farm/lab is about 800 sq. ft, I’ve always raised crickets for pet food, I’m not a human grade cricket farmer (although the only true difference is who eats the harvest, and how you harvest them). And back in one corner I had two boards stacked up against the wall for years. I noticed that in between these two boards there are several stray escapee crickets that have taken up residence. I gave up long ago worrying too much about escapees, as long as there aren’t too many. They live in the nooks and crannies of my micro farm.
Back around Christmas I spotted a group of them in between these two boards in a back corner of the farm, so I started putting feed on the top edge of the boards every few days, and also a wet paper towel folded up and kept moist for a water supply.
Every couple of days I add a little more food to the boards, re-wet the paper towel or change it if it’s dirty.
They have such a keen sense of smell, it doesn’t take a full minute after putting the fresh food on the tops of the boards, that they show up for dinner.
How can you not feed the strays?
~Cricket Man