Inset: Armstrong Cricket Farm back in the day.

The company’s name is Ovipost. They were previously called Eclosion, and we talked about them on the podcast with Kubo Dzamba not too long ago.

I have been in contact with the folks at Ovipost a few times over the last year, and I know that they really have a heart for what they are doing. They truly seem to be dedicated to finding ways to improve cricket farming for cricket farmers…

…and I can get behind that all day long. 🙂

Trina Chiasson says a lot of cricket farmers will talk about how figuring out when they are laying their eggs is an art — and she hopes to turn it into a science. She and her co-founder James Ricci started Ovipost, a new startup looking to optimize the right conditions for a cricket grower to get the most yield from a generation of eggs without having to lose a bunch of crickets in the process. At its heart, Ovipost is aimed at being a set of tools that will help farmers figure out the best way to optimize their cricket yield by managing initial problems, like the proper volume of cricket eggs, as well as traditional problems cricket farmers face. The end goal is to reduce the overall labor cost, taking the process from less of an art — and listening for the right song — to more one that farmers can augment with technology. Ovipost is launching out of Y Combinator’s winter class this year.

Click here to read the full article “Ovipost wants to help drop the labor cost of building cricket farms” by Matthew Lynley for Tech Crunch.