Jaw-Dropping Caterpillars You May Not Even Know Exist
Some of the most beautiful caterpillars you have ever seen...
Fruit Flies: The Lab Rats of Molecular Biology
Fruit Flies have great potential in the bug-based cuisine market, just ask IKEA (more on that in another article), but who knew? At Cornell University, they are the lab...
Pavlov’s Mosquitos
"When it comes to keeping mosquitoes away, swatting may have the same effect as the best insect repellents."
Familiarity Breeds Love
“I thought it would be scary,” Gaines said. “But like people, once you get to know them, (the insects) are pretty cool.”
Virginia Tech Entomologist Discovers Deadly Millipede
This particular millipede called "Apheloria polychroma" comes in six different color combinations, more than any other known millipede.
Why Beetles Are the Most Important Organism on the Planet
"If an alien civilisation arrived on Earth and, with limited time and limited resources, wanted to understand how life here operates, all it need do is to study beetles and dismiss everything else as sampling error."
Mosquito Bite Frequency Influences Spread of Malaria
A small number of people who are repeatedly bitten and infected by mosquitoes in each malaria season may account for much of the disease’s spread, according to a new study...