Ant Killers: Death by Termite

What they do is coat termites with an insecticide that obviously doesn't harm termites, but devastates ant colonies, and turns them loose like secret agent walking time bombs.

Video: Handful of Yellow Jackets

Yikes! No idea what they are fighting over.

Woman Hopes to Replicate Natural Bioplastic Made by Bees

Studying bees to learn how to create bioplastics.

Studying Ants to Solve Food Chain Problems

How studying the food distribution systems of ants helps human food distribution systems.

Ant Lions Benefit Gardens

Ant Lions are actually beneficial to your garden.

Declining Pollinator Population Can Be Reversed

Practical management is all that's necessary according to some researchers.

Video Evidence: “Paramedic Ants” Observed Treating Injured Comrades

The social insects have been seen cleaning wounds and possibly administering antibiotics to prevent infection