Word from Down Under isn’t so sunny…

University of Sydney entomologist Dr Cameron Webb said researchers around the world widely acknowledge that insect populations are in decline, but are at a loss to determine the cause. “On one hand it might be the widespread use of insecticides, on the other hand it might be urbanisation and the fact that we’re eliminating some of the plants where it’s really critical that these insects complete their development,” Dr Webb said. “Add in to the mix climate change and sea level rise and it’s incredibly difficult to predict exactly what it is.”

“This year has really taken the cake with the lack of insects, it’s left me dumbfounded, I can’t figure out what’s going on.” Mr Hasenpusch said entomologists he had spoken to from Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and even as far away as New Caledonia and Italy all had similar stories.

Click here to read the full article “Insect population decline leaves Australian scientists scratching for solutions” by Mark Rigby for ABC Australia.