UPDATE: We are awaiting a response from NACIA and other industry leaders. We feel that it is imperative that the edible insect community present a unified message, and take advantage of the potential publicity and national spotlight to promote the industry. All the while remaining positive.
When this first broke, I could actually envision the crowd with pitchforks and torches, like in the old Frankenstein movies, and some of the more reasonable townfolk saying “Now, now, let’s think this through, folks.”
Voices of reason.
They need to be heeded, especially at times like this.
It is our opinion here at Ento Nation, that we (the bug lovers) need to recognize the opportunity, and use it to advance our cause in a unified, positive, and educational light.
Sen. Jeff Flake wants to ban the USDA from giving out grants to further research into crickets as a food source.
We warned about this earlier this year…