Our friend Lee Cadesky was on the podcast and showed us how to make Chili con Cricket. Visit the podcast “The Flying Cadesky Brothers”, fast forward to the 35:19 mark and follow along!

Chili Con Cricket

1 Jar One Hop Kitchen’s Cricket Bolognese

15 oz. Can Mixed Beans (Red Kidney, Black, Mixed, Lentils etc)

1 Small Onion

1 tsp Chipotle or Chili Powder

½ tsp Paprika

½ tsp Oregano

Pinch of Allspice

1 tsp Salt

1 tbsp Olive Oil

Green Onions

Sour Cream, Regular or Non-Dairy

Lime Wedge

  1. Peel and chop onion to a coarse dice.
  2. Heat olive oil on medium.
  3. Sautee onions 2-3 minutes until translucent.
  4. Add half of Chipotle, Chili Powder, and Paprika.
  5. Stir and continue cooking.
  6. Open, drain, and rinse beans. Rinse again.
  7. Add to onions and stir up until steamy.
  8. Add One Hop Kitchen’s Cricket Bolognese and thoroughly stir.
  9. Bring to a light simmer, reduce to low, add remaining seasonings except the salt, and let simmer for about 10 minutes.
  10. Stir in salt to taste and you are ready to serve.
  11. Best served with rice, cornbread, or a nice crusty piece of bread. Top with sour cream, green onions or cilantro, and serve with a wedge of lime.

Bug Appetite!